• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

57 Days Until Ava Kalea’s Arrival – Chicco Travel System Purchased

Chicco Travel SystemChicco Travel System Purchased 57 Days Before Ava Kalea Arrives

Yesterday I bought a Chicco Travel System for Ava Kalea.  Today marks just 57 days until the scheduled arrival of Ava Kalea Kennedy.  She’s supposed to be ready for birth on September 16th – my best friend’s birthday.  In a very strange way, I am actually hoping that she does arrive on that exact date – but at the same time I am torn.  I am anxious to see her again (I did meet her in a dream already) – and I want her to come out whenever she is good and ready.

Yesterday I bought a diaper bag that I found on sale – and later in the day I went a purchased the Chicco KeyFit30 Travel System that I wrote about in an earlier post about the differences in Baby Travel Systems.

The Chicco Travel System I purchased set up really quickly.  It was so simple, that even I could understand the directions and get it ready for baby.  When Monkey Baby’s Momma got home from work, I showed her how to use it to.  Quick and easy to put in or remove the car seat from the stroller.  The stroller itself folds up quickly and easily using just one hand.  The stroller itself is only 22 pounds, which is great.  I don’t want Ava Kalea’s momma straining herself – not to mention her 50-something year old father (currently waiting for surgery on a hernia injury).

So far I am really happy with my purchase of a Chicco Travel System, but have obviously not used it at all.  Most of the reviews that I read online while doing my research were extremely positive and I got a good deal so I am happy.  That said, I won’t really know how much I like it, until we start using it.  In about 57 days (and counting).

One thing I did not think about before buying the Chicco Travel System is that it would be really nice to have two KeyFit30 car seats that fit the stroller.  Since we have two cars and probably won’t always want to take the same one wherever we are going, it would be A LOT easier to have two separate carseats so that we don’t have to move them between cars.  I faintly remember how painful that can be – and want to avoid pain whenever possible.  So now we are looking to get another Chicco KeyFit30 Carseat.  Please let me know if you happen to run into any good deals on one …

Soon we will have to think about getting a beach stroller so we can take Ava Kalea on our sunset walks on the beach in Del Mar.  I’m super excited and cannot wait!  Would love to hear from you if you have any input on good jogging strollers – or those to stay away from!

Thanks for reading – I would love to hear your feedback!