• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

Daddy Blogger Survey for Daddy Bloggers – and Mommy Bloggers Too!

Daddy Blogger SurveyDaddy Blogger Survey to Help Publicize Daddy Bloggers Around the World:

Hey Daddy Bloggers (and Mommy Bloggers too!) – take the Daddy Blogger Survey.  I want to know more about YOU, so that I can help promote you and your blog!  If you take a few minutes to send me answers to the following questions, I will publish it in a separate blog post and add a link to your blog on the links page here at Daddy Blogger World.  It shouldn’t take long and will get you at least one link back to your blog – and I’ll probably even comment on a post or two on your site.  You might even get the chance to be interviewed via Skype for a future Daddy Blogger Podcast or feature here on the site.

Daddy Blogger Survey (Mommy Bloggers Welcome Too!)

  1.  What is your name, where were you born and where do you currently live?
  2. What is the name of your blog?  Url?
  3. How long have you been blogging?  How long have you been blogging as a parent?
  4. What got you started being a Daddy (or Mommy) blogger?
  5. Please tell us about your child/children.  Age/name(s)/special talents/mad skillz/passions
  6. What has been your biggest challenge as a Daddy Blogger?
  7. What has been your biggest win as a Daddy Blogger?
  8. Do you rake in loot from your Daddy Blog?  If so, where does it come from?  Advertising?  Paid Posts?  Paid reviews?  Google AdWords? (I’m pretty sure it is NOT Amazon, because Amazon does everything possible to screw their affiliates – including arbitrarily shutting down their seller accounts).
  9. Do companies send you products to review on your Daddy Blog?  What was your favorite product to review for your Daddy Blog?
  10. Do you have any suggestions for someone just starting as a Daddy Blogger?
  11. What is your favorite Daddy Blog on the interwebs – besides yours.

Bonus questions for Daddy Blogger Survey:

11. Would you be willing to fill out a longer survey?

12. Would you be interested in being interviewed via Skype for a future video and/or podcast?

13. Are you interested in writing an original (300-500 word) guest post for Daddy Blogger World?

Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to fill out this Daddy Blogger Survey.  Once you send in your answers to Joe(at)DaddyBloggerWorld.com, I will create a post here at Daddy Blogger World that is built on your answers – and I will your Daddy Blog to our Links Page.

If you prefer to take the survey by filling in the questions instead of cutting and pasting, there is a shorter blogger survey on Survey Monkey.  I guess next time I should use Google Docs so I am not limited to just 10 questions.


Next Post:  Popular Daddy Blogs

Last Post:  Healthy Natural Baby Food in the Blender