Each day for the past week or so, I’ve been sampling at least one item from the New Hope Blogger’s Co-op Influencers Blogger Box. #NewHopeBlogerBox Today’s treat is the Organic Apricot + Almond Bar from Patagonia Provisions.

The 3 year old Ava Kalea didn’t like it – which isn’t unusual since it was not sushi, poke, frozen waffles, ice cream or candy.
I did like it – a lot – perhaps too much. It is a fairly small bar, but very tasty – and has more sugar than I usually consume. Not sure why they would add sugar at all, but according to the label, they did add 2 grams.
Still the same, the Organic Apricot + Almond Bar from Patagonia Provisions is certified organic, vegan and gluten free and is a reasonably healthy option for a snack. I’d recommend you try one today!
BTW – if you are an Influencer or a Brand, you are invited to join the Influencers and Brands Facebook group and the MeWE Influencers and Brands group.