• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

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Stay At Home Dad Entrepreneur Podcast Cover Art

Hello and Welcome to Episode #1 of the Stay at Home Dad Entrepreneur Podcast / Vlog

This episode is not sponsored by Lego Land, SeaWorld or the San Diego Zoo, but very well could be – especially considering I’m broadcasting from my home studio / office / living room / home gym in Del Mar, California – just a short drive from all of those great tourist destinations – especially great if you have kids – or are a kid at heart.

I’m your host, Joe Kennedy – The Grateful Dad. I’m 55 years young (yes 55) I’ve been a stay at home dad to our 20 month old toddler Ava Kalea Kennedy, for about 6 months now and feel like the luckiest guy in the world. When I took on this role, I knew it was a very difficult job – and it has been, but I just didn’t realize that it would be so difficult to get anything else done while taking care of the baby.

What’s really cool is that we live about 200 yards from the Pacific Ocean and Ava and I get to walk to the beach almost every single day. It’s like having the best backyard ever! We are so very lucky – and I’m very grateful.

Speaking of being grateful – I’d like to touch on gratitude in each and every episode of this podcast that I manage to create. There are several things that I’m grateful for today (besides just waking up) – 1) I’m grateful for you, the listener who takes their valuable time to listen to and hopefully give feedback on this podcast. 2) I’m grateful that I’ve finally made the time to create this podcast and 3) I am super grateful for the opportunity to be a stay at home Dad and really do appreciate both Ava Kalea and her mom, my beautiful wife Stacia Kennedy.

There are a few reasons I am creating this podcast. Number 1, I’d really like to connect with the Stay at Home Dad community. Number 2 – I really want to learn and share the best parenting and education tips, tricks and tools out there. If you have a great parenting/life hack, I’d love it if you would share it with me so that I can share it with our listeners – I’d make sure to give you thanks and credit. The 3rd reason for this podcast is that I want to connect with other entrepreneurs who are stay at home parents and run businesses from their homes. I want to learn how you do what you xo – especially how you are able to prioritize and make the time to accomplish the things that are most important to having a successful business.

I decided to create this podcast at the urging of Gary Vaynerchuk, an ultra successful social media personality and entrepreneur. According to him – and he’s right, I’m not actually an Entrepreneur, but a Wantrepreneur – and I do want to be an Entrepreneur – but on my own terms. I’m not at all afraid of hard work and hustle – I just want to make sure that my kids and family remain a priority in all of my business and life decisions. I hope to use this forum to learn how to be a better stay at home parent – and make the giant leap from Wantrepreneur to Entrepreneur with a real, viable and profitable business.

Gary V suggested to start using the Anchor FM podcasting platform, as it is free and fairly easy to use.. Yesterday I attempted to produce a first episode on the Anchor.fm mobile app on my iPhone, but after thinking I had recorded and uploaded a full 15 minute version on the way home from the beach, I later found out that I uploaded – and shared via various social media channels only 5 seconds. Not quite the start that I was looking for.

Today I am recording this to video and will upload to YouTube, before separating the audio to upload to Anchor.

My goal is to record and upload, short and frequent episodes that listeners will be able to learn from. I want to have interviews with other stay at home dads, who may or may not have more experience with parenting than I do – as well as feature previously mentioned tips, tricks and tools for parenting.

If you ever have any questions, comments or suggestions, I would love to hear them. You can contact me via the websites at DaddyBloggerWorld.com or BeMoreTribe.com or via Twitter @joeteslakennedy

Thank you so much for watching or listening and I hope to have your ear and suggestions for the next episode. It would be great if you would subscribe and share this podcast if you think you might get something out of it. I’ll see you next time and until then, remember to live with gratitude.

Lots of Love and Aloha,

Joe Kennedy – The Grateful Dad