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Keiretsu Forum

The Northwest Region of the Keiretsu Forum, the world’s most active global investment community, announced on August 9, 2018, that the organization will host its “Angel Capital Expo,” the premier gathering of the angel capital community, on August 23, 2018 from 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. at Microsoft, Building 33, in Redmond, Washington (https://www.k4northwest.com/events/angel-capital-expo-northwest-3). The event will feature more than 350 angel investors and a select group of (18) high-quality, diverse companies from some of the most exciting, burgeoning segments in technology, blockchain, healthcare/life sciences, consumer products, and real estate. Keiretsu Forum investors will also elect the recipient for the “Most Valued Company Award” at the Expo.

Keiretsu Forum Northwest at Angel Capital ExpoKeiretsu Forum

Among the show’s packed agenda of educational presentations, exhibits and pitches, the group announced, today details about the top executives and industry opinion leaders in the investment and technology innovation worlds scheduled to speak to attendees:

“Keiretsu Forum Northwest continues to attract some of the nation’s most exciting entrepreneurial companies and high-caliber experts to join our members at Angel Capital Expo,” said Brianna McDonald, President of the Keiretsu Forum’s Northwest Region. “The bi-annual event was created to foster collaboration among angel groups and reach out to the larger investment community. Momentum and interest is building around our Expos and we look forward to seeing the powerful connections and funding opportunities at the upcoming August event.”

“Our involvement with Keiretsu Forum Northwest has had a profound impact on our ability to raise $16 million and continue the trajectory of interest in and success at Kineta,” said Ken North, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at Seattle’s biotechnology company, Kineta, and past attendee of the Angel Capital Expo.

Registration is by private invitation only and can be requested by contacting Katherine Townsend at ktownsend@keiretsuforum.com or calling (206) 910-1214. The event is exclusive to Keiretsu Forum members and their guests, together with our community partners and family offices. Expo tickets include access to all presentations, exhibits, breakfast, lunch and a closing networking reception with appetizers.

Early Bird pricing of the “Angel Capital Expo” can be obtained for only $129. (Registrants can include the August 22 “Family Office Forum” event [https://www.k4northwest.com/events/keiretsu-family-office-academy-optimizing-your-angel-structure-1] for a total of $200 until August 15.) Registration for both events is free to Keiretsu Forum members.

Entrepreneurial companies interested in presenting, please contact Fonda Fan at fonda@keiretsuforum.com or call (206) 910-0322.

“The ‘Angel Capital Expo’ is a highly valued nexus of opportunity to gather and build our entrepreneurial companies. It represents the abundant and exclusive added value we bring to our partners and constituents,” added McDonald.

The six-chapter Keiretsu Forum Northwest Region is part of the world’s largest and most active investment community of early-stage “angel” investors, Keiretsu Forum. The group’s mindshare approach to collaborative investing is growing globally and receiving commitment from investors who want to feel more empowered, hands on and have collective investor experience and due diligence applied to their investments.