• Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

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Flight Disruptions Tool

Lumo Launches New Interactive Tool will Proactively Manage Flight Disruptions. Flight disruption forecasts and analytics provider Lumo announced, last August 8, 2018, the official launch of its Navigator dashboard to serve the managed travel industry. This tool is an interactive dashboard that gives the travelers real-time information on the flight delay risk. This is a revolutionary way to book and view the flight travel. The introduction of the Navigator will allow travelers to increase the productivity, travel ease, and keep potential delays to a minimum. The hope is that soon all the travelers will be using the Navigator dashboard when booking a flight.

New Flight Disruptions Interactive Tool Launched by Lumo
Flight Disruptions Too

Some Key features of Navigator include:
The Dashboard Home Page that contains a brief overview of all the flights, potential flight risks, and missed connections of your entire organization.
Navigator also has an Itinerary landing page that will allow you to see each individual in your organization’s flights, connections, and delay risk.
Push Notifications are also available to assist all the travelers in staying up-to-date on their individual flight.
Each flight, before and after booking, is rated on a scale that predicts the risk of a flight delay. Some flights are on higher risk than others. This information allows travelers to be more efficient with their time, money, and resources.
Bill Hogate, the Vice President of Business Development, has found our early adopters are in need of a data visualization tool to easily identify those travelers either from a group travel event or as a subset of a group of travelers who require immediate attention. “Predictive analytics brought to bear on the proactive handling of flight disruptions, as being pursued by Lumo, promises to bring significant value to managing large groups and meeting events,” said Steve Clagg of Microsoft.

Read more of this at Bellevue Business Jounal.