• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

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Jet Co Labs Creating Jet Cable Kevlar Reinforced Charging Cables

Jet Co Labs Has Created Jet Cable – The Tesla of Cables: Solution to breaking phone cables found – World’s First Armored Cable.

Jet Cable by Jet Co Labs UKJet Co Labs, A team of young entrepreneurs in the UK has developed Jet Cable –  a solution for a persistent problem of the 21st century —broken phone charging cables— presenting a cable that will last a lifetime. “JET CABLE” – world’s first armored, magnetic phone charging cable.

Jet Co Labs has launched an ultra-successful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to start the production of the JET cable.

JET Cable” – is a TESLA among cables, as they like to call it.

It was strange to us, how in 2017, having all the materials and technology we are still facing the problem of torn cables.

But then we realized, it’s simply a cash cow for the big companies.

Kevlabraid by Jet Co LabsSo we came up with an idea of making a cable, that will last a lifetime. Consolidating all our team’s skills an experience in engineering and design, we came up with a technology that we call “KevlaBraid”.

We use Aramid, also known as “KEVLAR” to reinforce the braided nylon wire, making the cable ultimately durable.


The Jet Cable features a strong Neodymium magnetic connection, the same type of connection that is used in MacBooks, making it easy to connect by simply holding a cable next to the magnetic tip that is inserted in your device. We have fully tested our product, and we confidently claim that the Jet cable is the World’s Strongest Magnetic Cable,” Jet Co LABS spokesman said.

In order for the device to become available to the public, a crowdfunding campaign has been started to help produce and develop the JET cable.


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Contact Joe “The Connector” Kennedy, Co-Founder of Virtually Famous Marketing


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