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Faith Driven Consumer: MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN is the “Inspirational Movie of the Year”

Miracles from Heaven movie poster(Los Angeles, CA March 14, 2016)—Faith Driven Consumer (FDC)—representing 41 million Americans who spend $2 trillion annually, has earned wide recognition both for its corporate FaithEqualityIndex.com rating system, and also for its Faith Friendly Film Review entertainment rating system. FDC serves as a key resource for audiences and entertainment industry leaders alike, measuring the faith-compatibility of entertainment offerings and predicting how they will resonate. 

Coming to theaters nationwide Friday, March 18th, Sony/Columbia Picture’s film MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN receives a strong 4 out of 5 stars from Faith Driven Consumer, meaning the film is highly likely to resonate with the Faith Driven Consumer audience. MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN, based on the best-selling book by Christy Beam, tells the true story of a little girl who faces an extraordinary, life-threatening disease and I miraculously healed following a freak accident and near-death experience.   

Chris Stone, Founder of Faith Driven Consumer and Certified Brand Strategist, has issued the following statement:

“With the recent release of RISEN and THE YOUNG MESSIAH—and upcoming release of GOD’S NOT DEAD 2—Hollywood is rolling out faith content with a pace and frequency that is in keeping with demand. Studios will be rewarded at the box office for offering the right content for the faith audience. 

“Sony’s MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN is the inspirational movie of the year. It’s a heartbreaking and hopeful journey—one that reminds us that God is not a distant figure, but rather a loving Father who is actively engaged in our lives and in our world, and who often reveals Himself through the love of everyday people. This is one of those rare films that the whole family, from the little ones up to mom and dad, will enjoy together.”

Faith Driven Consumer’s Faith-Friendly Film Reviews are based on five core criteria: Overall Faith and/or Biblical Relevance; Faith-compatible Depiction of Characters and Character Relationships; Faith-compatible Depiction of Situations, Family Viewing Suitability; and Entertainment Value. 

Read the entire review of MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN here: http://www.faithdrivenconsumer.com/miracles_from_heaven 

About Faith Driven Consumer

Faith Driven Consumer (FDC) is working to achieve marketplace and workplace equality for 41 million consumers who spend two trillion dollars annually. FDC envisions a world where inclusion is extended with parity to Faith Driven Consumers, who have the right to be celebrated as an essential color in the American rainbow of diversity.