Good, no GREAT Monday morning to you! (or wishes for a great day/night whenever you might read this).

- Waking up. (The alternative doesn’t leave a lot of options).
- My beautiful wife Stacia traveling so that she can work on her business and improve herself.
- Early morning workouts.
- The ability to make money before Ava Kalea wakes up – as well as while we are spending our days together.
- The amazing opportunity to get more fit and healthy that BeachBody has afforded me.
- I’m grateful that I can share my health and fitness journey and inspire others to become the most Extraordinary versions of themselves.
- I’m grateful that my daughter Jacqueline Kennedy took the time to call me yesterday.
- I’m grateful for Makaya doing chores and helping around the house.
- I’m extremely grateful to live in such a beautiful place so close to the ocean.
- I am super extra grateful for having learned that good nutrition and exercise make me feel A LOT better than trying to medicate myself with drugs and alcohol.
Today I am grateful for so many things, here are just a few:
What are YOU grateful for today? I’d love to hear from you!