• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

Simple Translation Provides Services The Marketing Industry Needs To Adopt

Simple Translation logoMake translation a priority!” is the message to marketers today, as the benefits of full and accurate website localization become increasingly clear. Simple Translation, an online translation service, is encouraging marketing teams to focus on translating their websites to ensure they can reach global audiences, rather than restricting themselves to the English-speaking world.

Worrying statistics in a poll by Smartling found that 48% of marketers have no budget at all for translation outside of the US, while 59% have no budget allocated to reach multilingual audiences. Proper localization and transcreation is also being neglected – just 14% of organisations are creating original content for each site, with most of them simply translating the existing content straight from US English.

Simple Translation can provide the answer. The leading translation service can help marketers get over this particular hurdle, with cost-effective and fast transcreation and localization services that are sure to appeal to a broader range of consumers. With 90% of the world’s online spending power spread across the world’s thirteen most popular languages, it’s never been more important for marketers to tap into these other markets, rather than sticking with English-centric options.

A spokesperson for Simple Translation, comments, “The US Chamber of Commerce estimates that 95% of the world’s consumers live outside of the US. That’s a colossal number of potential customers that marketers are missing out on due to their refusal to properly translate and localize their sites. Here at Simple Translation we offer full translation and localization services, which allow brands to attract and retain customers from all over the world.

“Our services are cost-effective, fast and always of the highest quality. With a team of more than 6,000 native translators and a cloud-based translation management system to ensure full transparency for our clients, we are leading the way in online translation services – and we’re urging marketers to get on board, for the benefit of their businesses.”

Commissioning translations involves much more than simply churning out the same phrases in different language. Cultural differences and sensitivities must be addressed, and idioms need to be accurately interpreted. The language of sales is often full of buzzwords and colloquial phrases which can’t be directly translated, and must be communicated slightly differently to convey the same meaning. Simple Translation offers all of this, with a comprehensive service that includes fast delivery, high accuracy and a quality translation that will truly resonate with global audiences.