• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

SWEET – I’m Getting a Tesla!!!

This is so cool!  It has been two weeks since I first drove the Tesla Model S for a day and wrote a review of it for Bellevue Business Journal and Luxury Fitness Fun.  Since then I have had one proposal for a Tesla Summer Tour 2014 shot down by the Tesla Motors communications department – BUT they just don’t know how powerful I am at manifesting what I want.
So I am working on my next idea to manifest the Tesla that will be in my garage later this year.  This is a pretty lofty goal for someone who doesn’t have an income – but I am dedicated and committed (or should I BE committed?).  I’m thinking about working on a story or book of stories from Tesla owners.  All Tesla owners seem to be more than happy with their vehicles – even those who have crashed them.
Another idea is a crowd funding project to raise the money to make the purchase.  I would just ask everyone on my blogs and news site for a single dollar – and in exchange I would make a video each and every day thanking everyone who contributed – and post a link to their site on this blog.  Would be pretty good publicity and link for $1 wouldn’t it?  I only need 100,000 people to contribute a dollar and I could be there by the end of the summer.  Would you give a dollar?  PLEEEEASE.  I have to have a Tesla ….

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