• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

Classes at Li’l Sprout Garden Center in Millcreek, WA
Hydroponic Gardening
August 8, 2015 
11:00 am • Free
Join our expert hydroponic gardener Mike as he discusses how to grow plants year round without soil. Great for growing organic vegetables in condos or small spaces. Mike will talk about the

benefits of hydro gardening, how to keep plants healthy and answer questions.

Houseplant Propagation – Grow New Plants
August 16, 2015 
1:00 pm  • Free
Propagating house plants is a rewarding experience. And the rewards of making leaf cuttings sprout or a stem cutting take root are even greater when you can share these free plants with friends and neighbors. Discover different methods of propagating house plants by stem cuttings, division, and more. A great class for any houseplant enthusiast.
Summer Garden Clean-up, Getting Ready for Fall
August 22, 2015 
11:00 am • Free
As summer comes to a close, it’s a good time to clean up your garden. Your beds can be full of dead blooms, leggy annuals, hidden weeds and spreading perennials. Learn when and what fertilizers can be added to enrich your garden beds for fall. Hear what plants are suitable for fall plantings and when to start your fall veggie garden. Bring your questions and get ready for the next season in your garden. Free.
The Joy of Cooking with Herbs
August 29, 2015 
11:00 am • Cost $5
You have been growing herbs all summer and now we’re heading into Fall. What better time to find new recipes for cooking with herbs. Come and enjoy new recipe idea’s, (hand outs for everyone that attends class) Learn the health benefits of adding them into your foods you prepare. There will be sample foods that have been prepared with herbs. Call (425-482-5276) to save your spot. Cost – $5.00
Li’l Sprout Nursery & Garden Center
17414 Bothell Everett Hwy
Mill Creek, WA 98012