• Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

Ava Kalea Kennedy

News and posts about Ava Kalea Kennedy

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  • Leaving Las Vegas

Leaving Las Vegas

This is a video that I made on my way home to San Diego from a road trip to Las Vegas. Thank you for watching, commenting and subscribing! It was…

Ava Kalea and Good News Uninc Websites

More good news from the plandemic: I’ve separated more websites out from JoeKennedy.biz – including Ava Kalea Kennedy’s site at AvaKalea.com and the Good News Uninc site at GoodNewsUninc.com Not…

1 Year Old Baby Ava Kalea to Hit the Ski Slopes This Winter: Updated

Looking for Strategic Partnerships for Skiing Baby Project (Updated 10/11/17) This post first appeared on a LinkedIn ski professionals group pages and then on Awesome Travel Guides. Thought it should…

Ava Kalea Gets Her First California Work Permit

Hey there everyone! Ava Kalea just received her first work permit in the State of California. Now she is legally ready and able to work in the entertainment industry. While…

Ava Kalea Recommends: Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water

I don’t always drink water (I’m still nursing from my momma), but when I do, I drink Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water.

Ava’s Idols: Jesse-Jane McParland

Ava Kalea is going to be learning martial arts with her dad as soon as possible. In preparation she has been watching YouTube videos of other youngsters practicing varying forms…

New Photos of Ava Kalea – San Diego Agent Wanted

We are going to start looking for a GREAT agent in San Diego / SoCal for Ava Kalea. Here are a couple of pics from a recent photo shoot:

Ava Kalea Kennedy’s First Time in Ocean

This is a short video of Ava Kalea Kennedy’s first time in the Pacific Ocean – or in any water outside of the bathtub and a little rain … Video…

Ava Kalea Picks Hawks at New England

Ava Kalea is by no means a football expert, but she picks the Seattle Seahawks to win in an upset at New England tonight, in what was the Super Bowl…

Ava Kalea Rolls Over at 9 Weeks and 2 Days: Video

A couple of days ago, Ava Kalea rolled over for the very first time – and her mom was actually taking video! Please enjoy – feel free to share and…