“A head full of fears has no space for dreams.”
This Sunday morning I am grateful for so many things. I am truly blessed and highly favored.
I am in awe of how great a manifestor that I have become – and work to continually improve in this area. I truly #manifestlikeamonster.

I am always grateful for free will and that I am able to think about and focus on what I choose. I am extra thankful that I can change this whenever and as often as I want.
I am thankful that I am able to eat good foods – and choose the healthy and nutritious ones whenever I desire.
I am grateful that we live just two blocks from the edge of the world (Pacific Ocean).
I am thankful that I could get my computer booted up this morning so that I could write this quick list.
I am especially excited that I do NOT live in fear, but continually look for all the possible positive outcomes that are available – and feast on my dreams continually throughout each and every day.
I am grateful for YOU! Have a great day today – I know I will ….