Super stoked that I’m getting all of my websites consolidated here at JoeKennedy.biz. Yesterday I imported Bellevue Business Journal content and today I imported my passion site – I’m Getting a Tesla. This Tesla manifestation site I started in June 2014 – the day after Tesla at Bellevue Square in Bellevue Washington let me use a Model S P85+ for a full day so I could write a review – I called it “I Want The Magic Car Too“.
Unfortunately I haven’t been doing a lot with my Tesla site, but have been doing some serious manifesting and have talked Stacia into buying a used CPO (Certified Pre Owned) Model S from Tesla. I expect to order it later this month – unless a better deal shows up from a dealer or private party.
I’m looking to get a Model S with the following specs: sunroof, AWD, battery pack of at least 85 kWh (which should give me a range of around 250 miles), unlimited free supercharging and equipped with auto pilot. I really like the dark blue, grey, silver and black colors – but the color is not that important to me (as long as it isn’t red).
If you happen to be selling a Tesla Model S or know somebody who is, please contact me and let me know the specs and how much you are asking.