• Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

Need a Ride? Download Lyft for Free Credit

Lyft Use Promo code JOE601678Get Free Rides with Lyft

This is really cool – Local Business News is now a Lyft Ambassador and when you use our promo code JOE601678, you will get credit of up to $50 to use Lyft the next time you need a ride anywhere.

Going to the airport?  Use Lyft!  Bar hopping and want to avoid a 502?  Use Lyft!  Just don’t want the expense and hassle of owning a car?  Use Lyft!

Download the Lyft app and use promo code JOE601678 for up to $50 in free credit!

Ride sharing is the wave of the new riding currency, but don’t miss the boat by using Uber, try Lyft today!

Many people these days are choosing not to own a car, or even drive the one they have.  Perhaps you are extremely busy, want to work or talk on the phone while you are in traffic.  Maybe you just don’t want to get yourself dirty filling up the gas tank or checking the oil …  Did you ever have to change your own oil?  Never again when you use this awesomely amazing ride-sharing app that is all good things about ride sharing and none of the bad.

No matter where you are in San Diego or beyond, you will want to use this ride sharing app to get you where you need to go.  Del Mar?  No problem.  Downtown?  No problem.  Fallbrook? Not an issue – just bring us some avocados (just kidding – kind of).  Going from Oceanside to Orange County? We can get you there on time – and for a lot less than you think.

New time you need a ride in San Diego, La Mesa, El Cajon, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, La Jolla or even Escondido, just whip out your phone and use your free credit on the totally free ride sharing app that is taking southern California by storm.  Just remember to use promo code JOE601678 when you sign up so that you can take advantage of up to $50 in free ride credit!

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