• Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

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Dexcom Employees Foundation Awards First Grants to Diabetes Advocacy Organizations

Dexcom-logoThe Dexcom One Step Ahead Foundation: A Dexcom Employees Foundation, has awarded its first grants to five public charity organizations dedicated to improving the lives of people with diabetes. Grants were awarded to the following organizations: the American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad (AYUDA), College Diabetes Network, DiabetesSisters, Riding On Insulin, and Type-1-Today/Children with Diabetes (CWD). The grants were awarded by the employee-funded philanthropy, launched three months ago by Dexcom employees passionate about doing more for the diabetes community.

Grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 were awarded to projects aimed at producing the most sustained benefits to the health and quality- of-life for people living with diabetes in the United States. Funds to support the grants were generated through Dexcom employee contributions and fundraising efforts, as well as support from others outside of Dexcom. A total of $200,000 was awarded to the five organizations.

“Dexcom employees recognize the need to educate, support and empower those struggling to manage this complex condition, as well as their caregivers,” said Claudia Graham, SVP of Global Access at Dexcom who serves as chair of the newly formed foundation, and is living with Type 1 diabetes. “Their commitment goes above and beyond their daily work to have a lasting, positive impact on the diabetes community.”

Each program aligns to the Foundation’s focus on assisting people living with diabetes, and their caregivers, to better understand their medical condition, manage their diabetes more effectively and to live healthier lifestyles. Grant recipients included the following organizations:

  • American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad (AYUDA): AYUDA operates under the principle that a lack of education is just as dangerous as a lack of insulin. Since 1997, the organization has trained more than 575 U.S. student volunteers (high school through graduate level) and young professionals to educate on diabetes and its management. Volunteers have served in over 10 countries and will extend programs in the Dominican Republic in 2017. For more information visit: http://volunteers.ayudainc.net/site/PageNavigator/homepage.html
  • College Diabetes Network (CDN): CDN provides innovative peer based programs that connect and empower students and young professionals to thrive with diabetes. In addition to an active peer-support network, CDN programs include a comprehensive “Off to College” program, a Campus Advisory Committee, a Clinical Advisory Committee, an Annual Student Retreat, and a growing web presence. CDN has more than 80 affiliated chapters across the U.S. For more information visit: https://collegediabetesnetwork.org
  • DiabetesSisters: DiabetesSisters offers a range of education and support services to help women of all ages, with all types of diabetes, live fuller and healthier lives. It offers peer-support through an award-winning blog, as well as educational and social programs, an annual conference, and monthly “meet-ups” (PODS) in over 30 cities across the U.S. For more information visit: https://diabetessisters.org
  • Riding On Insulin (ROI): ROI empowers, activates and connects the global diabetes community through shared experience and action sports. Core programs include ski and snowboard programs for children in the U.S., Canada, and New Zealand, and an array of wilderness and endurance training programs for older teens and adults. Participants gain an understanding of how to manage their diabetes while being active. For more information visit: http://www.ridingoninsulin.org
  • Type-1-Today/Children with Diabetes (CWD): Supporting and educating the families of children with diabetes is a central focus of CWD. The organization’s programs offer practical guidance from expert sources, such as endocrinologists, diabetes educators, nurses, researchers, and experienced parents and adults. In addition to an active online community, CWD operates the Quilt for Life diabetes awareness project and hosts Friends for Life conferences throughout the U.S. For more information visit: http://www.childrenwithdiabetes.com

About The Dexcom One Step Ahead Foundation:  A Dexcom Employees Foundation

The Dexcom One Step Ahead Foundation: A Dexcom Employees Foundation works to support the missions and purposes of tax-exempt organizations that provide services and programs to people living with diabetes and their caregivers in the United States.  Run by its own Board of Directors, comprising Dexcom employees and external participants, the Foundation will provide monetary grants to organizations designated by the IRS as 501(c)3 Public Charities so that these organizations can assist people living with diabetes – as well as their caregivers – to better understand their medical condition, to manage their diabetes more effectively, and to live healthier lifestyles.