• Tue. Dec 3rd, 2024

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

EFTs Electronic Funds Transfers Affiliate Joe

I’ve been wanting to write a post about EFTs or Electronic Funds Transfers for some time. As a constant reminder, I actually have a padlock that I use at the gym that opens with the combination E-F-T. Every day I use it and tell myself that I need to write a blog posts about EFTs. This is that post about Electronic Funds Transfers.

As digital marketers, I’m sure you can agree with me that we all need more EFTs or Electronic Funds Transfers in our lives – preferably MANY and DAILY.

Electronic Funds Transfer EFTs as defined by ebanx.com:

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Every transaction starts somewhere. In today’s global economy, e-commerce is on the rise. Digital payment is the way of today, and tomorrow, and that means any business, large or small, needs to take advantage of electronic transactions. That’s where electronic funds transfer comes in. This concept is applicable to every digital transaction out there, and for merchants, businesses, and consumers it’s important to know how electronic money transfers work. This is electronic funds transfer explained.

Not sure about you, but I am definitely ready for more incoming EFTs / Electronic Funds Transfers in my life. I’m going to start working, pushing and manifesting for more EFTs. Electronic Funds Transfers will be added to my super awesome list and recording of affirmations:

I am so grateful to be getting paid several times a day via Electronic Funds Transfers.

I enjoy getting paid via EFTs. EFTs make my life richer, easier and even more enjoyable.

Electronic Funds Transfers are a great way to get paid and I earn a growing number of EFTs each and every month.

By Affiliate Joe

An old haole living in Paradise with two beautiful females, while learning, teaching and earning with Affiliate Marketing.