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Eastside Employers Invited to Commute Advantage WorkSmart Telework Workshop in Bellevue

ByJoe Connector

Jun 5, 2015

Bellevue Employers Choose Your Way BellevueEastside Employers to Learn How to Profit from Workplace Strategy

Eastside Employers Will Find Predictable, flexible and efficient commute options keys to employee retention and productivity

Teleworking allows employees to do more while commuting less with Eastside employers seeing a return to their bottom line. Eastside Employers could save 25 to 90 percent in overhead, in situations where employees do not require permanent workspace at the office, according to WorkSmart, a King County Metro program specializing in workplace strategy. Eastside employers can hear more from WorkSmart at a free Telework Lunch-and-Learn 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, June 17, in Downtown Bellevue.

The first 25 people to register and attend receive a $10 coffee card. The event is free but a registration is required. RSVP by emailing commuteadvantage@cywb.org.

Commute Advantage Telework Lunch-and-Learn

Date: Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

Location: The Summit (PSE Building), 10885 NE 4th St, Bellevue

Paid parking available

(Access off of 108th Ave NE or 110th Ave NE – Parking cost: $11)


Doors open 11:30 a.m. Program noon to 1 p.m.

Complimentary lunch will be served


According to WorkSmart Telework and Flexible Work Hours can help businesses:

  • Improve productivity by up to 20 percent
  • Reduce absenteeism by two to four days per worker per year
  • Improve employee recruitment and retention
  • Eliminate tardiness
  • Save on overhead costs
  • Ensure business continuity during construction or other disruptions

Eastside Employers will learn:

  • How an effective telework or flexible work-hours program benefits your business’ Bottom line and improves work/life balance.
  • What other local business leaders have done to implement successful programs.
  • About WorkSmart’s free consulting services for developing or expanding teleworking and flexible work hours

About Commute Advantage

Commute Advantage is a Choose Your Way Bellevue program made possible by a partnership between the City of Bellevue, King County Metro and the Bellevue Downtown Association. Choose Your Way Bellevue is Bellevue’s one-stop shop for learning about your travel options. Bellevue’s transportation system offers a range of travel options that provide people who live and work in the City with viable alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle. Strategies to balance the options for how people travel into, out of, and through the City are considered under the heading “transportation demand management” or TDM.

About WorkSmart

The WorkSmart program offers workplace strategies to help your company increase employee productivity, improve business continuity and contribute to environmental sustainability. These cutting-edge strategies include telework, coworking, compressed work week, and alternate scheduling. WorkSmart services are free to employers, thanks to the Washington State Department of Transportation, King County Metro, the City of Seattle, and the Federal Transit Administration.