• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

Joe Kennedy Learning, Teaching and Earning with Affiliate Marketing

Determined to Make Money Online by Providing Value to YOU

Del Mar Villas Management Notice Taped on Bedroom WindowThis morning I was sitting on the toilet and right outside my bedroom window, I heard someone repeatedly saying “wanna go peepee? wanna go peepee?”  Then I heard the woman’s voice saying “she’s out of control” and “we need to take care of this”. (apparently after she read my sign about inconsiderate pet owners).

After I said (out loud) “take him somewhere else to go peepee”, they person left as they were not there when I was done in the bathroom and walked outside.

I then went to the gym, where I noticed that manager Susan Thrasher’s truck was once again illegally parked across the parking lot from her condo.  Over an hour later, the truck was still illegally (and unsafely) parked in the fire lane.  Then I noticed Ms. Thrasher walking her big white dog (probably a nice guy) through the complex coming from the direction of our unit.

Del Mar Villas Notice on Front DoorWhen I got home from the gym, there were two handwritten notices – one taped to our window in front of our sign and one taped to our front door.  A number of our potted plants had also been moved (this is a real violation and not appreciated at all).

Ms. Thrasher’s notice stated that my sign was in violation of the Del Mar Villa’s CC&Rs.  I had never heard that, have never seen the CC&Rs and find that extremely interesting – especially considering that last year I had the very same sign in my window and she personally asked me to make copies ….  The only difference that I notice this year:  Manager Susan Thrasher now has a dog – presumably that goes “peepee” around the property.

(NOTE: once saw these hand scribbled notices, I immediately took down my sign – but still have not seen the CC&Rs).

If I was a condo owner (especially a condo owner on the Del Mar Villas Board of Directors), I would be taking a serious look at the current management of the Del Mar Villas.  Inconsistencies like these unprofessional at least and are leaving the property extremely open to unnecessary legal liabilities ….