• Fri. Feb 28th, 2025

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Than Merrill and J.P. Servideo Launch This Year’s Most Influential Book For Teens

FortuneBuilders CEO and real estate investing expert, Than Merrill has partnered with professional youth speaker, J.P. Servideo to launch this year’s most impactful book for teens. Together, they co-wrote “The High Schooler’s Guide To Money”, to help educate teens about money management, entrepreneurship and financial freedom.

“After becoming a father to two beautiful and inspiring children, I realized something. I don’t want either of my kids to ever have to be burdened by money; not having enough of it or by not understanding how to use it,” said Than Merrill. “This book can help any kid to start learning the tools they need to succeed in the future.”

In 2016, Merrill and Servideo partnered together to launch Future FortuneBuilders, a 2-day camp which works to educate teens on financial literacy basics in a classroom setting. “The High Schooler’s Guide To Money” was their way of delivering the same vital financial education to a larger audience of teens across the world.

“I’ve been passionate about inspiring and educating teens for many years,” said J.P. Servideo. “I watched groups of kids walk into Future FortuneBuilders camps on day one looking less than psyched to be there and nothing is more fulfilling than seeing them walk out the next day with a complete change in attitude — motivated to succeed, caring about their futures. This financial education is one of the most impactful lessons your teens will learn.”

The financial literacy gap among teens aged 13 to 17 is at an all time high. A recent study performed by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) found that one in five American teens fail to meet the standard to be considered financially literate — and their scores are not improving.

“The High Schooler’s Guide To Money” aims to help deliver a financial education that is missing from most teen’s curriculums today. Covering strategies including how to set up a budget, properly utilize credit, plan for taxes and avoid student loan debt, this book is an entertaining yet educational read that will delight and inform anyone at any age.

The High Schooler’s Guide To Money” is available for purchase on Kindle and paperback on Amazon.

About FortuneBuilders Inc.

FortuneBuilders is a real estate education and business development company headquartered in San Diego, CA. Founded by expert real estate investor and A&E “Flip This House” star Than Merrill, FortuneBuilders provides mentorship programs, live education events and additional resources and tools for the novice or pro seeking to start or enhance their real estate business.